Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Rc 2052 Balika Chethana Committee Formation Guidlines to HMs and Teachers

Balika Chethana Committe BCC Formation Guidlines to Teachers and HMs of Primary and Upper Primary schools in Telangana. Guidlines are issued vide Rc 2052 to form Balika Chethana Committee in schools by teachers and HMs through DEOs and DPOs. We need a secure and safeenvironment for girls everywhere at home and outside of home.
Rc 2052 Guidlines to form balika chethana committe BCC in schools by teachers and HM in Telangana

We need a secure and safe environment for girls everywhere at home at schools and outside of home. Child sex abuse has become rampant in the society. To ensure safeguard to children from all sorts of oppression and discrimination, we need to form Balika Chethana committees in all schools to tackle girl child specific problems in general and problems in continuing education giving stress on child abuse.

            The aim of forming Balika Chethana committees (BCC) at schools is to create a space for girls where they can discuss their day to day problems freely with a friendly teacher.

Formation of the Balika Chethana committees (BCC):
  1.         School head (Head Master) after consulting all teachers in the school should form this committee.
  2.        A lady teacher who is friendly with children will be made head of this committee.
  3.         Doctor/ANM from PHC who visits schools regularly can also be one of the members so that she/he can investigate about gynae problems and other health problems whether they are caused from child sexual abuse.
  4.         One girl student from each class from 3rd class onwards will be members of this committee.
  5.         2 girls each can be taken from 7th and 8th classes.
  6.        In the case of high schools 2 girls each can be included from class 9th and 10th.
  7.         So this will be a committee headed by a lady teacher. 

Balika Chethana committee’s (BCC) functioning modalities:
  1.      This committee should held meeting once in a month.
  2.      Teacher needs to take an active role here asking children about above said problems.
  3.      Teacher should enquire each member child in a nurturing way whether they are facing any abuse at school or at home by family members (father, grandfather, brother, uncles etc.).
  4.       And make the member children share their own as well as their classmate’s problems in this matter (child abuse) freely.
  5.       Teacher should explain to committee members what child abuse is, discrimination is so that the children can explain what exactly is happening with them.
  6.       Tell them about   good touch and bad touch, when is a touch considered as bad touch, i.e. which parts of the body. 
  7.       To bigger children, how to address harassment/eve teasing, abuse, child marriage etc.
  8.       Apart from this, teacher should enquire about the problems children are facing in coming to school regularly, in doing homework, health problems and about any child marriage instances in school as well as in the village.
  9.       Any serious problem will be immediately reported to head master and to SMC or to concerned higher official.
  10. The problem must be dealt immediately.  
  11.   Every school must display toll free child help line number 1098. Teacher should explain when children can use the number.
  12.     Click here to Download Rc.2052 and Guidlines to form Balika Chethana Committee