GO MS No 240 Obsequies Charges for Govt Employees Enhanced Services Welfare – Sanction
of expenditure on
obsequies of deceased Government
Employees – Amendment - Orders – Issued. GENERAL
In the G.O. 1st read above, the
Government have enhanced the obsequies charges from Rs.10,000/- to Rs.20,000/-
(Rupees Twenty Thousand only) to all categories of Government Employees to meet
the expenses on obsequies ceremony, in case of death while in service.
2. In the
U.O. 2nd read above,
the Finance (BG) Department have requested
to amend the detailed head of account as “310-Grants-in-Aid. 318 – Obsequies
charges” instead of “310-Grants-in-Aid. 312 – Other Grants-in-Aid” under
respective Major, Minor and Sub-Head of account of the departments concerned,
issued in the 1st read
above. Accordingly, Government hereby
issue the following amendment to the G.O. 1st read above.