10th Maths New Syllabus - Formative Summative Assessment Guidelines. Let us know breifly about the 10th Class Maths New Syllabus Maths-Formative Assessment and Summative Guidelines. As per GO.17, Reforms in 10th Class have been introduced and 20% weightage have been given to FA as per CCE. Now let us know How to Conduct the Formative Assessment and Summative Assessment Tests for Mathematics in 10th Class. What are the Competencies for 10th Maths for evaluation.
10th Maths New Syllabus - Formative-Summative Assessment Guidelines
The Indicators to attain Academic Standards in 10th Maths are as follows:
- Problem Solving (సమస్య సాధన )
- Reasons-Proof (కారణాలు చెప్పడం - నిరూపణ చెయ్యడం )
- Communication ( వ్యక్తపరచడం )
- Connection ( అనుసంధానం)
- Representation - Visualization ( దృశీకరణ - ప్రాతినిధ్యపరచడం ).
Formative Assessment Guidelines in 10th Maths
Formative Assessment Tools and Marks in Maths for 9, 10th Mathematics are as follows;
- Creating or Making New Problems (సమస్యలు రూపొందిచడం ) : 5 Marks.
If the student is able to prepare 5 questions from each unit from different concepts then 2 1/2 Marks.
If the Student is able to present the prepared questions in class room then 2 1/2 Marks.
Students should note these questions in a separate book mentioned for Formative Assessment.
Even though 5 Marks are allotted for This indicator, Assessment can be done for 10 Marks and then reduce it for 5 Marks and register in the Formative Assessment Register. - Children Written Works (పిల్లల రాత పనులు) : 5 Marks
For Assessing this indicator, Home Work Books, Note Books, Tables/Works in Text Books after the Lessons, Assignments, Portfolios are the Evidences.
Max of 10 Marks can be allotted and then reduce it to 5 Marks.
"Do it Your Self" Exercises, "Think, Discuss, Write" exercises in the Maths can be taken for evaluation. Answers can be noted in the FA Assessment Book of the Student for evidences. - Slip Test (లఘు పరీక్ష): 5 Marks
Slip Test can be conducted for 20 Marks as a part of Teaching Learning Process and reduce it for 5 Marks.
This is not a Unit Test.
3 or 4 Questions can be given on Black Board and ask Students to write the answers in the FA Note Book as a part of TLP - Project Works : 5 Marks.
The Project Work report of the Students should be noted in FA Book of the Students.
Basing on their performance 2 1/2 Marks can be allotted.
This Report should be presented by each student. Basing on their presentation 2 1/2 Marks can be allotted.
Here also the Project Work can be taken for Total 10 Marks and then reduce it to 5 Marks
The Marks attained by Students should be recorded in FA Register. There will be four Formative Assessments. FA-1 in July, FA-2 -September, FA-3-November, FA-4 February.
Summative Assessment Tests in 10th Maths
- There will be Three Summative Assessment Tests. These tests are Written Exams basing on the Indicators mentioned at the top of the Post, which are to be attained by students after completion of the syllabus.
- Summative Tests will be conducted for 80% Marks. Remaining 20% Marks will be taken from previous FA Tests Mark.
- Example: For Summative-1: FA-1 + FA-2 = 20% and 80% for Written Exam.
- Summative-2: FA-1 + FA-2+ FA-3 =20% and Remaining 80% for Written Exam
- Summative-3 (Public Exam): FA-1 + FA-2+ FA-3 + FA-4 =20% and Remaining 80% for Written Exam
- Questions will be framed basing on the 5 Indicators mentioned above and as per the weightage given in the norms.
- Summative-1 will be in Sep/Oct
- Summative-2 will be in Dec/Jan
- Summative-3 will be in Mar
Weightage of Marks for Summative Exams in Maths