Rc.212 Delegation of Powers to DEOs to Issue No Objection Certificates (NOC) to Teachers/Headmasters/MEOs for obtaining Passport
There are more than One lakh teachers working in 10 dists of Telangana State and the requests for issue No Objection Certificates coming to the C & DSE Hyd. It is taking long time to verify and issue NOC.The Reginal Joint Directors are Appointing Authority for GHMs-II and MEOs, The DEOs are Appointing Authorities for the posts of SAs, LPs, PETs and SGTs.The present system of issue of NOC for obtaining pass port is based on the particulars furnished by them.Therefore The Powers of Issue of No Objection Certificate for obtaining Passport is hereby delegated to Appointing Authorities. i.e. RJDs for GHMs, MEOs and DEOs to teachers are the NOC Issue Authorities