Treasuries and Acount s Department -AAS Sanction of Automatic Advancement Scheme SPP -IA to SC/ST untrained teachers Appointed through DSC 2000, 2001 and 2002 Information Regarding
The Deputy Director, DTO Adilabad is informed that the Pay of the teachers on completion of 12 years continuous service and fully qualified for promotion if appointed to SPP-I Scale the pay may be fixed under FR-22(a)(i) read with FR 31(2) normally where there is next above stage is available in SPP I Scale
Further the Deputy Director is informed that the next stage need not necessary one increment and it might depend upon the entry level of scale of Promotion post. If the entry level is more we are only allowing the minimum of that scale. The next increment would accur only after 12 months of incremental service
Click Here to Download Memo No D3/1663/2015 Dt 07.04.2015
The Deputy Director, DTO Adilabad is informed that the Pay of the teachers on completion of 12 years continuous service and fully qualified for promotion if appointed to SPP-I Scale the pay may be fixed under FR-22(a)(i) read with FR 31(2) normally where there is next above stage is available in SPP I Scale
Further the Deputy Director is informed that the next stage need not necessary one increment and it might depend upon the entry level of scale of Promotion post. If the entry level is more we are only allowing the minimum of that scale. The next increment would accur only after 12 months of incremental service
Click Here to Download Memo No D3/1663/2015 Dt 07.04.2015