AP SSC Advance Supplementary Exams 2015 | SSC Suplementary Exams
Fee Last date: 2-6-2015Examas from: 18-6-15 to 1-7-15SSC-2015 Supplementary Time Table
Fee Last date: 2-6-2015Examas from: 18-6-15 to 1-7-15SSC-2015 Supplementary Time Table
- 18-6-2015 Telugup1
- 19-6-2015 Telugu p2
- 20-6-2015 Hindi
- 22-6-2015 English p1
- 23-6-2015 English p2
- 24-6-2015 Maths p1
- 25-6-2015 Maths p2
- 26-6-2015 Science p1
- 27-6-2015 Science p2
- 29-6-2015 Social p1
- 30-6-2015 Social p2
- Time : 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM