Sunday, August 9, 2015

AP/TS RPS-2015 AAS Software By Ramanjaneyulu for All Dept

AAS Software for All Dept Employees AP and Telangana Automatic Advancement Scheme Softwares for teachers and employees

Special Grade Post Scale (6 years):
The individual who completed 6 years of service in the same cadre eligible to get Special Grade Post Scale and allowed new scale .
(a) SPP-IA/SAPP-IA( 12 years ):

The employee who completed 12 years of service in the same cadre, is allowed to get new scale in the next promotion.

( i ) Automatic Advancement Scheme 12 Years SPP-IA Pay Fixation after Completion of 12 Years fors under FR 22(a)(i) read with FR 31(2) Post Scale.
( ii )Next AGI will be accrued after 1year .Let us know how to fix their Scale and Pay with respect to the Fundamental Rules and Norms.

 b) SPP-IB/SAPP-IB( 18years ):
 The employee who completed 18 years of service in the same cadre,  is allowed to get one additional increment in the same scale SPP-IA/SAPP-IA
Special Promotion Post Scale –II (SPP-II)( 24years ):

The employee, who completed 24 years, as per service rules is allowed to get  SPP- II, that is equal to next promotion scale. And the individual must require qualifications as per the next promotion post.
Thanks to Ramanjaneyulu sir From Kurnool
Click here to Download AAS Software for Other than Teachers