Thursday, March 5, 2020

Carona COVID-19 Precautions to taken at School

Rc No 51,Dt 05.03.2020
Instructions to the following issues of Preparedness & effective management of COVID-19 - Advisory issued to various line and take necessary action in the matter immediately.

i). Conduct school assembly to create awareness among the children. On all Mondays.awareness sessions on COVID-19 prevention may be conducted in the schools.

ii). Promotion of hand WASH techniques (UNICEF) through a session during the assembly. Since its established that, frequent hand washing with soap will help in prevention of the transmission of infection, all schools shall promote proper hand washing liquids in schools and students should be made to wash their hands. 3 to 4 times during the school hours.

iii). Display of all the IEC materials as sent by HM&FW in the notice boards of schools.

iv). Clearing of school door handles with detergent water frequently.
v). Ensure that students/teachers/staff students/teachers/staff with signs of fever, cold and upper respiratory infections do not attend the school for 3 days or until symptoms subside. If the symptoms do not subside, they should consult a doctor.

vi). If any family is expecting return of their relatives from the affected countries, the need for home isolation of the relative for 14 days should be clearly explained.

vii). A child with contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case or belonging to a family with a history of contact with a COVID-19 Case shall be kept in home isolation.

viii). The teachers and students who are through mass transport mechanism may be oriented on preventive measures as detailed in the pamphlet attached.

ix). All Principals of the Schools to display IEC materials on COVID-19 as communicated by HM&FW dept. in their school premises, school busses (private) etc.

x). Designing & Suggestion material is under preparation by Education Department which will be forwarded soon for onwards downloading & pasting in School premises.👇