Financial Assistance to BC Vocational Communities - Registration Form
TELANGANA STATE ONLINE BENEFICIARY MANAGEMENT & MONITORING SYSTEM (OBMMS TS) Telangana Government will give Rs.100000 Monetary help Backward Classes Vocational Communities. A site has been sent off for the individuals who are qualified. Authorities recommended to apply on this site. Needy may submit Online Application Form through the given Registration form available in in the website Minister Mr. Gangula Kamalkar has launched a website for the people who are qualified for this help. Applications will be received through the site
A simple application with 38 columns including photo, Aadhaar, caste certificate has to be completed through the website. The state government has provided an opportunity for eligible handicrafts and caste professions to apply immediately. This financial assistance will be given for the purchase of tools and raw materials related to handicrafts and handicrafts.
GO MS No 5 Dated 06.06.2023
BCWD — Implementation of the Financial Assistance Scheme for all Backward Classes Artisans /Vocationa1 Communities in the Telangana State - Guidelines - Orders — Issued.
O R D E R :
In the reference 1s t read above, orders were issued for constitute a Cabinet Sub-Committee to study and formulate schemes for Backward Classes Vocational Communities with the Group of Ministers, under the Chairmanship of the Minister for BC Welfare.
2. In the reference 2°d read above, the Cabinet Sub-Committee has made such resolutions for implementing Financial Assistance Scheme for Backward Classes Vocational Castes.
3. Government, after careful examination of the matter, hereby order to implement the Financial Assistant Scheme for BC Vocational Communities in the Telangana State with the following Guidelines.
I. Fresh Registrations shall be taken through online portal from all Backward Classes Artisans / Vocational Communities.
II. An amount of Rs.1,00,000/- Lakh for each beneficiary as a grant to upliftment of their respective occupations. The grant will be given to one for one family.
III. The individual age limit fixed from 18 Years to 55 Years as on 2nd June 2023.
IV. The Annual Income shall not exceed Rs.1.50 Lakhs in Rural Areas and Rs.2.00 Lakhs in Urban Areas.
V. The beneficiaries who already availed various welfare schemes Rs.50,000/ - and above since last five years from the date of applications are not eligible.
VI. The online application starts from 6 June, 2023 to 20a June, 2023.
VII. The verification of applications to be completed at Mandal / Municipality Level by MPDO / Municipal Commissioner from 20 June, 2023 to 26a June, 2023.
VIII. The selection process shall be completed by the District Committee headed by District Collector. The District Collector shall take the approval of District Incharge Minister from 27 June to 4 July, 2023.
IX. Selection List (Phase wise) has to be displayed in Website, Mandal and Gram Panchayats.
X. The Release and Disbursement of Grant shall be done one time payment to the beneficiaries by 15a of every month subsequent to the formal launching of the scheme by Hon’b1e Chief Minister on the Welfare Day i.e. 09.06.2023 during the Telangana Dashabdhi Ustavalu.
XI. The choice of the equipment and place of purchase shall be left to the beneficiaries.
XII. Grounding Enforcement Mechanism:
a) One Special Officer of the Mandal (appointed by the District Collector), MPDO and his team shall see that the Grounding of the Unit, etc., within a period of (1) month and upload the Photographs in the Website.
b) Special Officer shall visit the Grounded Units every Quarter for a period of (2) years to see the performance of the beneficiary Unit.
3. The Commissioner, BC Welfare, Telangana Hyderabad / the Chief Executive Officer, Telaqngana Most Backward Classes Development Corporation Ltd., Hyderabad/ the Managing Director, Telangana Backward Classes Cooperative Finance Corporation Ltd and 11 B.C.Federations shall take necessary further action accordingly.
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Eligibility Criteria for Financial Assistance Scheme
- One Person eligible from One Family
- Age should be between 18 to 55 Years
- Annual Income should not be above Rs.1,50,000 in Rural Area
- Annual Income should not be above Rs. 2,00,000 in urban area
- Scheme will be started from June 9th, 2023.
How to Apply Online for BC welfare Financial Assistance
Step 1 : Visit
Step 2: Then click on 'Financial Assistance for BC Vocational Communities Registration Form'.
Step 3 : Enter the address details of the applicant.
Step 4 : Applicant's Aadhaar, caste, personal details should be entered.
Step 5: Bank and PAN details should be entered in the sector details.
Step 6: Upload the photograph of the beneficiary.
Step 7 : Finally 'Self Declaration' should be submitted.
Take printout of the Application for further reference